Cisco - PWR-2821-51-AC - PWR-2821-51-AC

  • 10171369-014
Order number: 10171369-003
on request

Delivery time approx. 5 working days

Order number: 10171369-014
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
net price:89.50€
available: 33

Delivery time 1-4 workdays

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  • 3 year warranty
  • Same day shipments via UPS
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Product Description

2821/51 AC power supply
Compatibility Information
Designed For: Cisco 2821, 2821 4-pair G.SHDSL bundle, 2821 Branch Office in a Box Bundle, 2821 Secure WAN Optimization Bundle, 2821 Security Bundle, 2821 V3PN Bundle, 2821 Voice Bundle, 2821 Voice Security Bundle, 2821 WAN Application Acceleration Bundle, 2821 WAN Optimization Bundle, 2851, 2851 Secure WAN Optimization Bundle, 2851 Security Bundle, 2851 V3PN Bundle, 2851 Voice Bundle, 2851 Voice Security Bundle, 2851 WAN Application Acceleration Bundle, 2851 WAN Optimization Bundle
Device Type: Power supply