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UNIFY - L30251-U600-G615 - Expansion Box for OpenScape Business X8

  • 10159361-003
Ordrenummer: 10159361-003
16.137,11 dkr.
Priser inkl. momseksl. fragt
Nettopreis: 13.560,60 dkr.
Verfügbar: 5

Klar til afsendelse idag
leverings tid ca. 1-4 hverdage

Ordrenummer: 10159361-014
auf Anfrage

Levering tid ca. 5 arbejdsdage

Har du spørgsmål angående dette produkt?
  • 3 Jahre Garantie
  • schneller Versand
  • persönlicher Kundenberater
  • Konfiguration Ihrer Hardware


UNIFY - L30251-U600-G615 - expansion box for OpenScape Business X8


Product information:

  • incl. 1. LUNA2 power supply, without power line Extension box: (max. 13 peripheral assemblies).
  • max. 4 x LUNA2:
    The first LUNA2 supplies max. 4 peripheral assemblies,
    from 5-9 peripheral assemblies, a second LUNA2,
    from 10. a third LUNA2 is required for peripheral assembly.
    If a SLMA or SLCN is included in the first 4 peripheral assemblies,
    then the 2. LUNA2 and from the 5 peripheral assembly already the 3 LUNA 2 needed. 
  • USV operation always requires another LUNA2.
  • The mains cable is only required once per basic box.
  • The country-specific network line must be ordered separately.

Mitel Deutschland GmbH
Zeughofstrasse 1
10997 Berlin Deutschland
+49 30 6104-0
Placing / Mounting: Rack mountable
Product Type: Expansion module
Features: Stackable