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Cisco - PWR-60W-AC-V2 - Powersupply for 89x series

  • 10160304-014
Ordrenummer: 10160304-003
auf Anfrage

Levering tid ca. 5 arbejdsdage

Ordrenummer: 10160304-014
563,14 dkr.
Priser inkl. momseksl. fragt
Nettopreis: 473,23 dkr.
Verfügbar: 43

Klar til afsendelse idag
leverings tid ca. 1-4 hverdage

Har du spørgsmål angående dette produkt?
  • 3 Jahre Garantie
  • schneller Versand
  • persönlicher Kundenberater
  • Konfiguration Ihrer Hardware


Powersupply for 89x series

Cisco Systems GmbH
Parkring 20
85748 Garching Deutschland
0800 - 187 36 52
+49 (0)89 51657 1001
Compatibility Information
Designed For: Cisco 891F, 891FW, 892FSP, 896VA, 896VAG 4G LTE 2.0 Integrated Services Router, 897VA, 897VA Gigabit Ethernet Security Router with SFP and VDSL2/ADSL2+ Bonding over POTS, 897VA Gigabit Ethernet Security Router with VDSL/ADSL2+ and Wireless, 897VA Gigabit Ethernet Security Router with VDSL/ADSL2+ Annex M, 897VAG 4G LTE 2.0 ISR, 897VAMG 4G LTE 2.0 ISR, 898EA, 898EAG 4G LTE 2.0 ISR, 899G 4G LTE 2.0 ISR
Device Type: Power supply
Power Device
Power Capacity: 60 Watt