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Cisco - C7200-I/O-2FE/E - Cisco 7200 Input/Output Controller with Dual 10/100 Ethernet

  • 10104500-014
Ordrenummer: 10104500-003
auf Anfrage

Levering tid ca. 5 arbejdsdage

Ordrenummer: 10104500-014
391,59 dkr.
Priser inkl. momseksl. fragt
Nettopreis: 329,06 dkr.
Verfügbar: 50+

Klar til afsendelse idag
leverings tid ca. 1-4 hverdage

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Cisco 7200 Input/Output Controller with Dual 10/100 Ethernet

Cisco Systems GmbH
Parkring 20
85748 Garching Deutschland
0800 - 187 36 52
+49 (0)89 51657 1001
Compatibility Information
Designed For: Cisco 7204 VXR
Dimensions & Weight
Depth: 34 cm
Height: 18.4 cm
Width: 3.5 cm
Environmental Parameters
Humidity Range Operating: 5 - 85%
Max Altitude Operating: 4 km
Max Operating Temperature: 40 °C
Min Operating Temperature: 5 °C
Expansion / Connectivity
Compatible Slots: 1 x Expansion Slot
Expansion Slots: 2 x PC Card
Interfaces: 2 x 100Base-TX - RJ-45 - female - 2 ¦ 1 - 1 ¦ 1 x management - 1
Device Type: Expansion module - 2 ports
Form Factor: Plug-in module
Interface (Bus) Type: Expansion Slot
Cabling Type: Ethernet 10Base-T, Ethernet 100Base-TX
Compliant Standards: IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.1Q
Connectivity Technology: Wired
Data Link Protocol: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet
Data Transfer Rate: 100 Mbps
Features: Manageable
Network / Transport Protocol: TCP/IP, IPX/SPX
Remote Management Protocol: SNMP
Processor / Memory
Software / System Requirements
Software Included: Drivers & Utilities
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