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Cisco - PWR-66W-AC - PWR-66W-AC

  • 10174106-014
Ordrenummer: 10174106-003
auf Anfrage

Levering tid ca. 5 arbejdsdage

Ordrenummer: 10174106-014
354,32 dkr.
Priser inkl. momseksl. fragt
Nettopreis: 297,75 dkr.
Verfügbar: 6

Klar til afsendelse idag
leverings tid ca. 1-4 hverdage

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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
  • schneller Versand
  • persönlicher Kundenberater
  • Konfiguration Ihrer Hardware


Compatibility Information
Designed For: Cisco 881 Ethernet Security, 881 Ethernet Security Router with CUBE, 881 Fast Ethernet Secure Router with dual radio 802.11n WiFi, 881 Fast Ethernet Secure Router with Embedded 3.5G MC8795V, 881 Fast Ethernet Secure Router with Embedded 3.7G MC5728V and dual radio 802.11n WiFi, 881 Fast Ethernet Secure Router with Embedded 3.7G MC8705, 881 Fast Ethernet Secure Router with Embedded 3.7G MC8705 and dual radio 802.11n WiFi, 881 Fast Ethernet Security, 881 SRST Ethernet Security, 881G 4G LTE 2.0 ISR, 881V, 881W, 881W for CVO, 886 ADSL2/2+ Annex B, 886 ADSL2/2+ Annex B Router with SRST FXS/BRI, 886 ADSL2/2+ Annex B Security, 886 VDSL/ADSL Annex J over ISDN Multi-mode, 886 VDSL/ADSL over ISDN Multi-mode Router, 886VA Annex J Router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN, 886VA Router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN with CUBE, 886VA Secure Router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN and CUBE, 886VA Secure Router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN and Embedded 3.7G, 886VAG, 887 ADSL2/2+ Annex A, 887 ADSL2/2+ Annex A Security, 887 ADSL2/2+ Annex A Security Router SRST FXS/BRI, 887 ADSL2/2+ Annex A Security Router SRST with 802.11n FCC Compliant, 887 ADSL2/2+ Annex M, 887 Multi-mode VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS Secure, 887 VDSL/ADSL Annex M over POTS Multi-mode Router, 887 VDSL/ADSL over POTS Multi-mode Router, 887V, 887V VDSL2, 887V VDSL2 Router with 3G, 802.11n FCC Compliant, 887V VDSL2 Secure Router with SRST, 887V VDSL2 Security Router with SRST, 887VA Annex A router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS 802.11n ETSI Compliant, 887VA Annex M ETSI Compliant, 887VA Integrated Services Router, 887VA with ADSL2 WAN, 4 FXS, 2BRI, 1ISDN, 887VA with ADSL2 WAN, 4 FXS, 2BRI, 1ISDN, 2.4GHz, 887VAG 4G LTE 2.0 ISR, 888, 888 EFM SRST Router with FXS, 888 EFM SRST Router with FXS, and ISDN backup, 888 G.SHDSL Router with CUBE, 888 Multimode 4 pair G.SHDSL, 888E G.SHDSL Router with CUBE, 888EW EFM Wireless Router with ISDN backup, ETSI Compliant
Device Type: Power supply
Power Device
Power Capacity: 66 Watt